Laura Flethe

+49 151 256 252 34


Laura Flethe (*1999) is a hopeful gatherer, searching for spaces of community and world-travelling. Their artistic practice gravitates towards speculative fiction, collective storytelling and imagining possibilities. A central question is: In what kind of world do we want to live in — and how can we rehearse it now, in a thick present by holding space for embodiment, empathy and playfulness? Working collaboratively is essential to this practice.

Laura graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Design from the Münster School of Design in spring 2023, spent one semester of their studies in the Process Design programme at HyperWerk Basel and is Co-founder of kiosk magazin. Currently studying in the master’s program Non Linear Narrative at the Royal Academy of Art The Hague, their research explores how telling and carrying stories collectively can nourish community, hope and resistance. [09.5.2024 — work in progress]

Portfolio on request